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These courses are written for healthcare and education professionals who support children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, and their families.  They are based in self-directed learning and reflection and are not formally assessed with an exam or marked paper. Participants will be able to download a Certificate of Participation for their records.

Module 1 and 2 Image Module 3 and 4 Image Module 5 and 6 Image

Individual Courses

Case-Based Learning

Allied Health Focused

Palliative Care for Children & Young People

This course aims to provide you with a foundational understanding of the important aspects of Paediatric Palliative Care. You will be introduced to clinical knowledge and strategies that will assist you in supporting children with life-limiting conditions, and will develop an understanding of the collaboration and support. 

    Start Course 1

Communicating with families about children
who have life-limiting conditions

This course will help you develop knowledge and skills to communicate effectively and compassionately with families of children with life-limiting conditions.

    Start Course 2

Child Safety & Child Protection in Paediatric Palliative Care

This course will explore key elements and concepts of child safety and Paediatric Palliative Care. Topics include collaboration between Child Safety/Protection and Paediatric Palliative Care, Symptom Management, Advance Care Planning, and After Death Care and Bereavement Support.

    Start Course 3

Advance Care Planning

This course aims to provide you with a foundational understanding of Advance Care Planning (ACP) in the paediatric setting.  It will enhance your knowledge and skills in delivering appropriate and timely ACP and goals of care conversations with children and their families.

    Start Course 4

Paediatric Palliative Care
Case-Based e-Learning

Health professionals will learn how to confidently provide a palliative approach to care for infants, children, and young people with life-limiting conditions, and their families.

The package provides evidence-based information and discusses attitudes toward caring for children with a life-limiting condition, and their families. Total learning takes approximately seven hours, depending on your prior knowledge and learning style.  It includes:

  • Paediatric Palliative Care (PPC) case studies - one for each of the referral criteria in PPC and one for sustainable practice
  • Neonatal case study
  • Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) case study

The content was developed using adult principle learning techniques and is delivered using video animations, specialist interviews, reflection and participation in activities.  Content covers:

  • What is PPC
  • How care is offered
  • Grief and loss
  • Communication techniques
  • Ethical perspectives
  • Physical, psychosocial, spiritual and emotional care

To complete your professional development in PPC, it is recommended that you seek opportunities to practice communication skills involved in PPC practice through face-to-face workshops facilitated by experts in PPC across all Australian States and Territories.

For information on workshops, visit the QuoCCA website

   Start PPC Case-Based e-Learning Package

Fundamentals of Paediatric Palliative Care
Allied Health e-Learning

This e-Learning package has been specifically developed for Allied Health Professionals who work with children with life-limiting conditions in generalist health, community or education settings. It is not intended only for those who work in specialist PPC services. It includes:

  • an introductory course

    • Overview of Paediatric Palliative Care
    • Communication
    • Self-care and wellbeing

  • 8 profession-specific courses, detailing the role of different Allied Health Professionals throughout the phases of palliative care

    • Music Therapy
    • Nutrition & Dietetics
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Pharmacy 
    • Physiotherapy
    • Psychology
    • Speech Pathology 
    • Social Work

F-PPC for Allied Health was developed collaboratively by Gold Coast Health, Children's Health Queensland and QuoCCA, primarily for the Queensland context, though much of the content will still be relevant to other jurisdictions across Australia.

To complete your professional development in PPC, it is recommended that you seek opportunities to practice communication skills involved in PPC practice through face-to-face workshops facilitated by experts in PPC across all Australian States and Territories.

For information on workshops, visit the QuoCCA website

         Start F-PPC for AH e-Learning Package

