logoPalliBytes has a range of case-based learning activites to help you build confidence in putting the palliative approach to care into practice.

These resources are in a range of learning formats, including video/audio, timelines, interactive modules. They can be used in individual or group learning contexts to prompt discussion and personal reflection.

For case scenario resources with content for interprofessional learning - go to the PCC4U Project resource IPL Resources.

10 min
Themes: Residential aged care | Recognising deterioration | Family needs | Escalation of care 

15 min
Themes: Residential aged care | Care needs | Family meeting | End-of-life and after-death care

15 min
Themes: Colorectal Cancer | Principles | Care Needs | Illness Trajectories

15 min
Themes: Breast Cancer | Communication | Spiritual Care | Dying and Death

15 min
Themes: Heart Failure | Symptom Assessment | Symptom Management | Pain

15 min
Themes: Motor Neurone Disease | Optimisation | Goals of Care | Supporting Carers | Loss, grief and bereavement