Welcome to PEPA / IPEPA and PEPA Aged Care!

Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) and Indigenous PEPA (IPEPA) empower health professionals to deliver palliative care through providing free placements, workshops and learning resources. PEPA Aged Care provides customised training in the aged care context.

In this site you can access our Placement Courses, Mentoring Modules and Online Learning. Click on the links below to access these resources. 

For further information about the project, go to our website.

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Placement Courses & PEPA Aged Care

Find the course for placements in your state or territory and for PEPA Aged Care. You will be able to access the course once the PEPA/IPEPA team have enrolled you.


PEPA/IPEPA Mentoring has online modules and resources to support you in your role as a mentor for placement participants.

Online Learning

Find online learning modules for the whole health workforce in our learning guides and new PalliBytes microlearning modules.

First Nations Toolkit

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health workers and practitioners can enrol in our Toolkit for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Professionals for resources specific to these roles.

Find the full list of PEPA/IPEPA LMS courses here: